Enable E2E encryption and/or keep backup of your data on another provider account.
Every time you upload files unencrypted to S3, your storage provider calculates MD5 hash (with some exceptions) based on your content which allow them easily to check if your material violates e.g. copyright law.
Unencrypted form also allows your storage provider to scan your content easily (e.g. if authorities ask them to do so).
You can enable E2E encryption to prevent your provider from seeing contents of your files. You can elso encrypt filenames to prevent them from guessing the content.
Whether your account will be banned or deleted it's hard to tell for us.
In many cases you would still be fine, as long as you're not sharing e.g. copyrighted material publicly.
You will need to carefully read TOS of each provider and review laws of jurisdiction of your provider and one that you reside in.
I am not a lawyer myself, so can't help you on that one. (edited)